Fawk You Friday

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Okay...I was shocked to find out bout this meme...tsk..tsk! I have read that FYF is a meme wherein you can post your aches, grievances or just simple things you thought had turned you off and had caused you miserable for a day

I was hesitant to include this and post it on my blog because I didn't like on how it sounded but okay...it's fawk-not f*ck, anyway ^_^

It was some sort of a busy day for me for the last two consecutive days. I cleaned up, fixed and organized everything in and out the closet, remember school opens in a week or two. I had to set and put everything in order-had already checked on kids' school uniforms and shoes if it still fits them (and found out had to buy two new pairs!) My eldest seemed an inch taller than last year (I mean last 4th grade). Also with my youngest. I was glad to find out that he could reached and turned off the lights when he finished his bath earlier.

Hubby has been drunk for 2 days now *sigh*

I did the laundry and washed 2 sets of sheets! Early morning. Thank Goodness, washing machine was invented! It was really of great help to me.

Going back with hubby, I was so depressed and really very unhappy that he was on his drinking habit for 2 straight days...it really turned my mood and day very miserable. I have always been against him from drinking liquior but because I love him--I let him do things he actually used to do but--WITH CERTAIN LIMITATIONS! Everything that's taken too much is no longer beneficial... anyway, who says it's actually one?
(No offensement guys!)

Fawk last Sat
Fawk earlier
Fawk to all those who doesn't know the effect of too much alcohol and to those who knew but still addicted to it. Tsk..tsk got to be "Liver Lover, boy!"

Hahaha...now what?

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